Our Mission

BoomTown exists to make real estate professionals successful. Agents and brokers live by their transactions. Increasing their chance to close more deals and fine-tuning their workflow is what we do. Their success is trademarked with growth; and it’s why the Real Trends Thousand is dominated by BoomTown clients. We bring the technology and experts to turn opportunities into closings.

BoomTown Description

Answering “What is BoomTown?”
Your response depends on the conversation and the context, so we’ll define what
BoomTown is and what we are not.

  • BoomTown is a software platform built for real estate professionals.
  • BoomTown is a platform to grow your real estate business. Over 40,000 of the industry’s best professionals trust us.
  • BoomTown combines the technology you need with the experts you trust, so you can create a system proven to grow your business.
  • BoomTown is a consultant. We open your mind to solutions.
  • BoomTown is a real estate website and CRM.
  • BoomTown is a service that sells leads.

Basic Description
BoomTown is a software platform designed to help real estate professionals generate leads, manage contacts, and run their business better. Over 40,000 of the industry’s best use our products to close more deals. Their success is trademarked with growth. It’s why the Real Trends Thousand is dominated by BoomTown clients. We bring the technology and experts to turn opportunities into closings.

Press Release Description
BoomTown exists to make real estate agents successful. 40k+ of the industry’s top professionals trust BoomTown’s system to grow their real estate business with easy-to-use technology that creates opportunities and helps turn them into closings. The platform includes a customizable real estate website integrated with local MLS data, client success management, a cutting-edge CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system with custom marketing automation, personalized advertising services, and a mobile app for agents on the go. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Charleston, SC, BoomTown has additional offices in Atlanta, GA and San Francisco, CA. For more about BoomTown visit boomtownroi.com.

Simple/Casual Description
We are a software platform for real estate professionals. We provide solutions to everyday problems real estate businesses face. On one side, it’s technology, like our CRM and mobile app. On the other side, we offer services like paid advertising and success management. In between all that are the teams that make it run.

Phrases Commonly Used
There are a number of common sayings at BoomTown. Below is a list of how we typically phrase certain points:

  • We are a partner in your success.
  • We create opportunities that turn into closings.
  • Turn opportunities into closings
  • Fuel your pipeline
  • Empower your agents
  • Automate the gruntwork

Voice & Tone

BoomTown’s voice is business casual. Imagine a direct, yet empathetic conversation. We’re straightforward with clients (and what they should do), but we also understand sh*t happens. We level with them without a corporate-executive tone.

For a better perspective of our voice, here are distinguishing elements:

  • We are honest, but not brutal
  • We are courteous, but not formal
  • We are encouraging, but not delusional
  • We are fun, but not distracting

Voice: Translated to Grammar

With a voice comes a specific way of saying things (i.e. spelling & grammar). Our focus is being courteous to a client’s time. We don’t want them working harder to understand what we say. Their time is valuable.

Our guidelines are designed to improve readability and quick understanding. If you don't see a grammar rule posted below, assume we follow the government's Plain Language rules.

Oxford (Serial) Comma
We use it. It’s the comma before the word “and” at the end of a list.

  • My heroes are my parents, Superman, and Wonder Woman.
  • My heroes are my parents, Superman and Wonder Woman.

Use the extra comma. Keep it real. Your parents aren’t Superman and Wonder Woman.


  • For web-pages and documents, we title case headlines and titles. Every word should be capitalized, except prepositions and articles (a, an, on, the, and, with, but).
    Example: A Header Should be Capitalized
  • For email subject lines, we sentence case (i.e. capitalize the first word only).
    Example: This is a cool subject line
  • For certain product names, we camel case. These are typically reserved for conjoined words, like BoomTown or SharkTank.
  • We do not capitalize the “e” when it comes to words like e-Learning or e-Alerts.

Dates & Time

Generally, spell out the day of the week and the month. Abbreviations are okay, if space is limited. Include the timezone as well. *EDT is used when we spring forward an hour. EST is used when we fall back an hour.

  • Saturday, December 21 at 11 AM EDT
  • Thurs, August 31 @ 2 PM EST

Periods & Spacing
Periods and commas go inside quotation marks. They go outside parentheses when used in conjunction of a sentence.

  • Grier said, “I love BoomTown.” Rickborn was curious. “What is love?”
  • I wrote a lot of blog posts (and I wrote a book, too).

We single space after punctuation. Double-spacing uses up more space for no extra benefit.

Product Names & Common Terms
Below, you can view their proper spelling. Be sure to capitalize appropriately.

BoomTown NOW
Lead Central
Hot Sheet
Lead Matching
Best-Fit Leads
Smart-Drip Plans
Sharing Library
BoomTown U
Auto-Import Leads
Bulk Actions
Action Plans
Drip Text
My Listing My Lead
Mojo Dialer

Writing Emails

Emails are sent daily. Some are personal, direct sends. Others come from the company. Depending on which one you send, your style will change. But there is one general rule to follow: Practicality trumps creativity.

Your goal is to convey the message clearly and concisely. If it happens to be creative, great! If not, no worries. We want readers to grasp what you’re saying, and sometimes creative attempts can cloud those messages.

Subject Lines

  • A good subject line tells you what the email will entail.
  • Do not exceed 70 characters when writing a subject line. Ideally, aim for 50-60 characters (to account for mobile devices).
  • Do not use spammy words, like Free, Incredible deal, Discount, 100% Guaranteed, $$$.

Preview Text (a.k.a. Preheader Text)
This is the copy displayed following the subject line, shown in your inbox. Typical emails show the sender’s name, the subject line, and then the preview text. For company emails, we’ll craft these lines. For personal emails, it’ll be the first sentence in your email.

Body Content
Emails are not meant to be essays. The content should be clear and concise. Try to stay around 1-3 short paragraphs. Any longer than that, you’ll see reader engagement fall drastically.

Writing for Social Media

Aim to create short, impactful sentences. Less is better. Grammar rules can be broken, except naming conventions. We do not use numbers and letters in place of words, like “4” instead of “for” or “u” instead of “you.” #ThisIsBoomTown